
Since its creation CTIF-CFI has analysed and developed specific typologies. The typological analysis of files disseminated to the Public Prosecutor is aimed at determining the main money laundering and terrorist financing trends. By studying these developments the current money laundering and terrorist financing threats can be tackled more efficiently.

Since the beginning of 2009, strategic analysis has been added to this typological analysis. In a financial context and within CTIF-CFI’s organisational structure strategic analysis can be described as proactive analysis of money laundering and terrorist financing trends.

This proactive analysis is aimed at gearing CTIF-CFI’s operations to the anticipated evolution of money laundering and terrorist financing and to issue appropriate recommendations on general policy and legislation to counter this evolution.

Strategic analysis is based on typologies and combines both quantitative and qualitative information from various sources and from various partners in an attempt to predict certain trends and counter them whenever possible.

The typological and strategic analyses illustrate current and emerging money laundering and terrorist financing trends. They facilitate a better understanding of these issues and help all those involved in combating these crimes find an appropriate response.

The FATF and the Egmont Group also conduct typological studies to detect international AML/CFT risks and vulnerabilities in an attempt to predict certain trends, counter them whenever possible and find an appropriate response to new threats.

The FATF carried out a global threat assessment with the cooperation of its members.