Key figures

  2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Number of disclosures 27.264 31.080 33.445 25.991 31.605
Number of files (*) 8.360 10.646 15.670 13.796 21.805
Number of files reported to the Public Prosecutor 831 1.192 933 1.065 1.228
Amounts involved in the files reported to the Public Prosecutor (in million EUR) 1.285,68 1.415,95 1.700,89 1.538,83 1.885,31


(*) Many disclosures refer to distinct transactions related to one case. In addition, several disclosures from one particular disclosing entity may refer to just one single case. Furthermore, one single case may aggregate disclosures made by several institutions. CTIF-CFI regroups such disclosures into one file.