The Belgian Financial Intelligence Processing Unit (CTIF-CFI) is an independent administrative authority with legal personality composed of legal and financial experts and a senior officer seconded from the federal police (see the section “Composition of CTIF-CFI”), and led by a magistrate or by his deputy.

CTIF-CFI is mainly in charge of processing suspicious financial transactions linked to money laundering and terrorist financing and are reported by institutions and individuals specified in the law.

The Law of 18 September 2017 therefore grants a series of competences to CTIF-CFI.

CTIF-CFI is a key player in the AML/CFT system.

Apart from acting as a filter between the reporting entities and the judicial authorities CTIF-CFI also has a national advising and coordinating role in the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.

CTIF-CFI is the link between the different players involved in combating money laundering and terrorist financing (Federal Public Services, supervisory, regulatory or disciplinary authorities, police, customs).