Communication from CTIF-CFI to the attention of obliged entities to the control of the NBB and the FSMA (except insurance intermediaries)


New goAML release date

As announced in our previous communication, CTIF-CFI’s intention was to release goAML on 01/06/2024. We are convinced that this new platform offers much more ease of use and clarity for the obliged entities. In addition, the communication tool within goAML will ensure that all communications between obliged entities and CTIF-CFI will take place in a secure manner.

The switch to goAML will be very smooth for the majority of obliged entities as they will use goAML by manually entering their disclosures, and the necessary guidance and assistance will also be provided for this purpose. goAML is a new programme and it is essential that users are properly trained.

On the other hand, the transition to goAML may be less easy for some obliged entities who currently have an automated process in which information from their own environment can be written on the current reporting platform without the need for manual input (this concerns larger obliged entities based on the number of STRs/SARs). goAML of course also offers this possibility of automation, but these obliged entities need to make the necessary IT adjustments and reprogram things.

In this regard, CTIF-CFI was officially informed that several obliged entities were unable to meet the release date of 01/06/2024 due to IT upgrades to be carried out as well as internal training to be provided. A postponement of the release date of was therefore requested in order to allow everyone time to prepare for the transition to goAML.

It is important that the history of goAML be written together by CTIF-CFI and obliged entities and that this new way of working is supported by all. We have therefore decided within CTIF-CFI to postpone the goAML release date to 30/09/2024.

We also use this communication to inform you that you will be invited to register your entity on the goAML platform between 15/08/2024 and 15/09/2024. We will soon keep you informed of the registration process for your institution and contact persons.

We remind you that goAML will be from 30/09/2024 the only operational communication tool between CTIF-CFI and the obliged entities.

In addition, further communication will also be made regarding the provision of online instructions, trainings and guidance on the use of the goAML application.

Do not hesitate to regularly consult the goAML page of our website (


Brussels – 19/04/2024